Nidhi Gehlawat

Department DepartmentofManagementStudies
Email Id
Contact Details 9034629661
Designation Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification Ph.D.[NewRegularPh.D.withCourseWork]
TotalWorkExperience 2 years
TeachingExperience Fresher
Industry Experience Five months
TeachingInterest Managementsubjects,Linguisticand Communication skills
ResearchInterests SPSSandERP
No. Of Publications 03
DetailOfPublications 03


HindrancesfacedbyIndianworking women in balancing the home and the workplace,YMER Vol.22(3) ISSN:0044-0477



Analyze Govt. policies in respect of workingwomenofIndia,EuroChemical Bulletin,Vol. 12(10)

ISSN:3049-3061 July 2023


Analyzing the role of flexible working hours in maintaining the balancebetweenworkandpersonal

lifeofwomenofHaryana,TuijinJishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology,