· Educational Qualification: M.Tech, B.Tech
· Specialisation: Java, C++, Software Enigneering
· Area of Interest:
o Web Development
o Computer Graphics
· Work Experience: 1.5 years
· Publication:
1. Speech Feature Extraction for Gender Recognition (International Journal on Image, Graphics and Signal Processing)
2. Machine Learning Approach for Identification and Diagnosing feature of neurodevelopmental disorders using speech and spoken sentences (International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2016, IEEE)
3. Mongo-DB-NoSql Database; A Survey (Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Krishi Sanskriti Publication)
4. “OFDMA in 4G Systems- LTE, LTE-A, Wi-MAX”, “4G Wireless Network Evolution- LTE to LTE-A” and “3.9G Wireless Communication System” (Recent Trends in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer Science and Information Technology, International Journal, Krishi Sanskriti Publications)
· Workshops and conferences:
1. International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2016, IEEE.
2. Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Krishi Sanskriti.