Dr. Anshul Arora

Educational Qualification: Ph.D

AREA OF INTEREST: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Financial Derivatives & Accounting for Managers, Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour
Specialization: Finance & Marketing

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS : Arora A., Chowdhury, Kumar J. (2017) Trends and Practices of Employee Engagement in IT industry in North Capital Region in Emerging Trends in Social Sciences; ISSN: 2277-8624, Volume 6, (21-22)

Arora A., Chowdhury, Kumar J. (2017) Factors affecting Employee Engagement: A review of literature; Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce and Management ISSN 2277-1166  Volume 7(2)

Arora A., Chaturvedi, V. (2014) “online retailing- A customer’s perspective, Radix International Journal (ISSN: 2277-1018(online). Impact factor 4.05, Volume 3 Issue 3

Arora A., Chaturvedi, V. (2014) A conceptual overview on impact of employee Engagement on performance: A development prospective; National Seminar on “Recent Issues and Challenges in Management and Technology, Gandhi Institute for Technology ,Bhubnehswar

CONFERENCE, WORKSHOPS & WEBINARS Arora A., Chaturvedi, V. (2014) A conceptual overview on role of talent engagement as an indispensable tool for organizational sustainability, International Conference on Management Practices & Research, ICMPR( E-book & ISBN 9789384562007), Apeejay school of Management New Delhi

Arora A., Chaturvedi, V. (2013) Understanding the role of Transformational leadership in enhancing organizational effectiveness, National seminar on Innovative Practices in Management, Lingayas‟s University Faridabad