Computer Science and Engineering


In present era the field of electronics & communication plays an important role in almost every sphere of our life. It has penetrated in every field of our existence. It mainly deals with the communication technologies along with the basic electronic components, design of circuits and systems. Electronics and Communication department is established with well-equipped laboratories and research fecilities.These laboratories provide platform for learning not only theory but also practical aspects of electronics and communication engineering. The department has modern, well-equipped Laboratories with adequate facilities. The Lab has advance kits like Digital Trainer, A/D & D/A converters, Digital storage CRO, Microprocssor kits with EPROM programming facility, Speech transmission by AM. The lab has practical CMOS-TTL interfacing kit & multiviberators along with the basic kits like encoders, multiplexers, counter & shift register to fulfil the requirements for performing lab experiments. Electronics & communication Engineering offers scope in the field of research, mobile communication, Microwave communication, robotics, defence, radio communication, TV broadcasting, telegraphy & telephony, VLSI design, DSP, nuclear science, wireless communication and biotechnology.


  • Leadership and cultural heritage
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Freedom of thought and Expression
  • Accountability and Transparency
  • Encouragement
  • Social Responsibility
  • Excellence in academic achievement.


  • To provide quality assurance
  • To partner and collaborate with industry, government, and R&D institutes to develop new knowledge and sustainable technologies and serve as an engine for facilitating the nation’s economic development
  • To impart personality development skills to students that will help them to succeed and lead
  • To Install in students the attitude, values and vision that will prepare them to lead lives of personal integrity and civic responsibility
  • To promote a campus environment that welcomes and makes students of all races, cultures and civilizations feel at home
  • Putting students face to face with industrial, governmental and societal challenges

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