Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering has a special repute and employability in Technical Education. Civil Engineering plays a very important role in the development of other fields of Engineering.
To achieve the first Vision outcome, civil engineers as leaders in planning, designing, and constructing the built environment hold a beacon light and position themselves at the helm of multi-disciplinary, global, collaborative teams that carry out successful projects in various streams. In their role as master builders, students acquire a new, more expansive body of knowledge, provide ethical guidance, attract a diverse workforce, and define the knowledge and responsibilities for each member of a well-defined hierarchy of professionals. In addition, Civil engineers educate their society, partners, and the public on what civil engineers bring to the table, and become knowledgeable, vocal advocates of sustainable economic growth through infrastructure renewal.
Thus, the vision of Civil Engineering Department is to enhance the skills and capabilities of Civil Engineering students in all the domains of Civil Engineering.
The Department of Civil Engineering provides opportunities to the students to promote high-end research to meet the current and future challenges broadly in six technical sub-disciplines of civil engineering i.e. Geotechnical engineering, Structural engineering, Transportation engineering, Environmental Engineering and Water Resources engineering.
To be a leading global technical college which provides a transformative and employability education to create leaders and innovators, and generates new knowledge for society and industrial world.
The Civil Engineering Department is committed
- To establish a centre of excellence in emerging areas of Civil Engineering.
- To create a dynamic learning environment emphasizes team work, problem-solving technical skills, open ended design, communication and leadership skills etc.
- To foster the students pursuing knowledge and technical skills ethically and socially.
- To encourage quality education, research and consultancy for the development at global level.
- To collaborate with other academic and research institutes around the world to strengthen education and research ecosystem augmenting entrepreneurship.
- To create an ambience in which new ideas, research and scholarship flourish, and from which the leaders and innovators of tomorrow emerge as productive future.
- To provide an education that transforms students through rigorous modules and providing an understanding of the needs of society and industry.
- Project work to suit the individual goals.
- Quiz and brain storming session with academic personalities are arranged to give students a distinctive edge.
- There is innovative and experimental learning through practical teaching hands on experience and project work.
- Civil engineers work in a variety of locations and conditions. They hold about 303,500 jobs.
- Civil engineers design, build, operates infrastructure projects like building, roads, bridges, tunnels, airport, water supply system etc. They either work for private industries or in government organizations.
- Civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer, public works director, and city manager. The major responsibilities are research, planning and construction etc.
- We do pool campus recruitment process towards our commitment for our social responsibilities.
- At institute level there is provision of organizing career counseling sessions on regular basis with the help of in-house trainers as well as with the help of external agencies/professionals.
- Larsen and Toubro India
- Jaypee Group
- Ajay Kadam Association
- Associated Engineering
- Hiranandani Construction Pvt.Ltd.
- RDS Projects Ltd.
- Balaji Railroad Systems Ltd.
- Gammon India Ltd.
- Potential Consultants