Grievance Redressal

Establishment Of Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)

A committee comprising the following members is constituted with an objective to look into grievances of the stakeholders of the institute and suggest measures to redress the grievances of the students and others.

Appointment of OMBUDSMAN by the MDU, Rohtak

S. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1 Dr. Rajender Chillar HOD, CSE/IT, MDU, Rohtak 8199023624, 9416277507
2 Prof. (Dr.) Ishwar Singh Retd. HOD, MDU, Rohtak 9813011463

Institute level committee members:

S. No. Name Contact No.
1 Prof. O. P. Bargoti (Convener) 9871241059
2 Ms. Sonu Rana 9416903736
3 Prof. P. K. Mishra 9810601553
4 Ms. Anshul 9911622900
5 Ms. Aruna Yadav 8053980002, 8527661926


The students are the main stakeholders in any institution imparting education, and it’s our endeavour to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages. Taking this spirit in consideration the Institute has decided to provide mechanism to students for redressal of their grievances as under:

The Grievances may broadly include the following complaints of the aggrieved students

  • Academic
  • Non-Academic
  • Grievance related to Assessment
  • Grievance related to Victimization
  • Grievance related to Attendance
  • Grievance related to charging of fees
  • Grievance regarding conducting of Examinations
  • Harassment by colleague students or the teachers etc.

There will be Grievance Redressal Committees at the Department/Institute level to deal with the grievances of the students:

Department/Area Level committee will be as under:

Head of the Department/Area Chairperson – Chairman Up to 3 (three) faculties to be nominated by the Head of Department/Area Chairperson This committee will deal with the Grievance related to Academic and Administrative matters of the Department/Area concerned.

Institute Level committee will be as under:

Head of Institute – Chairman
Heads of the Department
Dy. Registrar – Member Secretary
This committee will deal with all the Grievances directly which is related to the common problems at Institute level both Academic and Administrative. In addition, this committee will also entertain the appeal filed by the student against the decision of the Department level committee.

Procedure for Redressal of Grievances (RoG)

An aggrieved student who has the Grievance or Grievances at the Department/Area level shall make an application first to the HoD/Area Chairperson. The Head of Department/Area Chairperson, after verifying the facts will try to redress the grievance within a reasonable time, preferably within a week of the receipt of application of the student. If the student is not satisfied with the verdict or solution of the HoD/Area Chair, then the same should be placed before the institute level committee within a week from the date of the receipt of the reply from the Department level committee.

The Institute level committee, if needed, may recommend to the Top management/Higher authorities for necessary corrective action as it may deem fit, to endure avoidance of recurrence of similar grievance at the institute.

While dealing with the complaint the committee at all levels will observe law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people.


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